If there is one thing that has really grounded me recently, and made me appreciate the natural world in a much less superficial way, it has been growing my own food. Last year I began experimenting with aeroponics and hydroponics. I managed to grow a monster tomato plant, and I was well and truly bitten (no, savagely chowed down on) by the growing bug. There is nothing like taking care to raise a plant, and then having your devotion to said plant returned by a bountiful harvest of food. What’s more its fresh as you like! First tomatoes of the year!
Cold water swimming for weight loss and a multitude of health benefits.
One of my favourite things to do is to swim in the sea, and I know from personal experience that one of the best sure-fire ways to blast fat away from my body is to swim in cold water. Most of the energy our bodies expend when we are in a state of rest is used […]
Benefits of Garlic
Garlic is one food that everybody should be eating as much of as possible. Garlic contains allicin, which is an organosulphur, which are compounds that our bodies need. They have been linked with reducing inflammation and oxidation stresses on our bodies. It contains a wide range of vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, garlic can act […]
NEAT and weight loss.
A term that does not get nearly enough exposure is N.E.A.T. This acronym stands for Non exercise activity thermogenesis. It is a term used to describe how much ‘power’ a person expends going about their daily business. It is a concept often used to help treat severely obese patients who are often unable or unmotivated enough to embark upon […]
Ginger benefits It has been found that ginger may affect gastrointestinal function, and has been used for thousands of years to treat nausea (especially forms of motion sickness). It is theorised that ginger suppresses certain neurohypophysial hormones from being released into the bloodstream that can contribute to nausea. It may also have some anti cancer proerties, but the evidence is […]
Reasons to eat eggs as part of a weight loss program
Eggs are absolutely packed with protein. Most of the bad wrap eggs get in the press is basically bullshit. The cholesterol argument especially, may be wrong. Experts now believe that cholesterol that is consumed from food (mostly) doesn’t find its way into your bloodstream, as it has not been produced by your body. The bulk […]
Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet
A kеtо dіеt rеfеrѕ to a kеtоgеnіс dіеt, whісh іѕ a hіgh-fаt, аdеԛuаtе-рrоtеіn, lоw-саrb dіеt. Thе gоаl іѕ to gеt mоrе саlоrіеѕ frоm рrоtеіn аnd fаt than frоm саrbѕ. It wоrkѕ by dерlеtіng уоur bоdу of іtѕ ѕtоrе оf sugar, ѕо іt wіll ѕtаrt to brеаk dоwn рrоtеіn аnd fаt fоr еnеrgу, causing kеtоѕіѕ (аnd weight lоѕѕ).
10 ways to a healthier body this spring
Springtime means warmth and sunshine after months of dreary weather, so of course you want to get outside! This also means it is the perfect time to check in with your health and make positive changes. Check out the list below for some fun activities that will make both your mind and body happy. 1. […]
Losing Weight Is About Muscles, Not Fat
Everybody losing weight is thinking about losing fat. Fat is very visible on our stomach and thighs, and the point of dieting is to get that away. But the true core, the mechanism of how we lose weight has much more to do with muscles than fat itself. Let me show you what we are […]
Ideas for you: How 8 celebrities lost weight for their film roles
A tasty in-between snack
The one food you should eat at least once a week
Avocados They’re technically a fruit, and are also known as the alligator pear, and vary in weight between eight ounces and three pounds. Why are they good for you? Read on to find out! HEALTH BENEFITS Avocados have a high amount of fat (85%). They have essential fatty acids for our body. The fat included […]
Fat, and why it’s not your enemy!
Most people automatically assume that fat is evil. After all, fat is the reason that so many people around the world are unable to fit into their clothing, right? This has lead to hundreds of companies that now market “fat free” food, beverages, snacks, and everything in between. Unfortunately, what many doctors and scientists are […]
6 things to consider when adding Green Tea to your diet
We all know that we should drink healthy teas . . . but do you have any idea why? Just like many other super foods, green tea has gained a wonderful reputation without many people really knowing why it is so good for us. That is why we have compiled a list of some of the most […]
Grow your own!
If there is one thing that has really grounded me recently, and made me appreciate the natural world in a much less superficial way, it has been growing my own food. Last year I began experimenting with aeroponics and hydroponics. I managed to grow a monster tomato plant, and I was well and truly bitten (no, savagely […]
Cinnamon As A Tasty Weight Loss Tool
The main benefit of cinnamon is for maintaining blood sugar levels, thus helping to prevent blood sugar crashes and spikes, which in turn helps you to stave of hunger. You don’t need pills to control blood sugar! Cinnamon is a spice that adds flavour to all sorts of foods, from savoury to sweet. This tasty ingredient is […]